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    Commissione europea

HORIZON 2020 – Pilastro "Leadership industriale": bandi 2016-2017 per i settori ICT e NMBP

Il 13 ottobre 2015 la Commissione europea ha approvato i programmi di lavoro 2016-2017 relativi a HORIZON 2020, in base ai quali circa 16 miliardi di euro saranno destinati al finanziamento della ricerca e dell’innovazione nei prossimi due anni. L'adozione dei programmi di lavoro ha anche dato avvio all’apertura dei nuovi bandi per il biennio, che coprono tutti e tre i pilastri di HORIZON 2020: Eccellenza scientifica, Leadership industriale, Sfide della società.

Di seguito riportiamo i bandi, con scadenza nel 2016, lanciati nel quadro del pilastro "Leadership industriale" per i settori "Tecnologie dell’informazione e comunicazione (ICT)" e "Nanotecnologie, materiali avanzati, biotecnologie, tecnologie produttive avanzate (NMBP)".
Cliccando sui link si verrà direttamente indirizzati alla pagina web dei bandi indicati.

>  Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione

• Bando H2020-ICT-2016-2017Tecnologie dell’informazione e comunicazione
Per i seguenti  topic la scadenza per presentare proposte è il  19/01/2016:
ICT-37-2016: CHINA - Collaboration on Future Internet
ICT-38-2016: MEXICO - Collaboration on ICT
ICT-39-2016-2017: International partnership building in low and middle income countries (CSA)

Per i seguenti topic la scadenza per presentare proposte è invece il 12/04/2016:
- ICT-01-2016: Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
- ICT-02-2016: Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics
- ICT-03-2016: SSI - Smart System Integration
- ICT-06-2016: Cloud Computing
- ICT-10-2016: Software Technologies
- ICT-12-2016: Net Innovation Initiative
- ICT-13-2016: Future Internet Experimentation - Building a European experimental Infrastructure
- ICT-14-2016-2017: Big Data PPP-Cross-sectorial and cross-lingual data integration and experimentation
- ICT-15-2016-2017: Big Data PPP-Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation
- ICT-17-2016-2017: Big data PPP-Support, industrial skills, benchmarking and evaluation (CSA)
- ICT-18-2016: Big data PPP-Privacy-preserving big data technologies
- ICT-21-2016: Support technology transfer to the creative industries
- ICT-22-2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills
- ICT-24-2016: Gaming and gamification
- ICT-25-2016-2017: Advanced robot capabilities research and take-up
- ICT-26-2016: System abilities, development and pilot installations
- ICT-29-2016: Photonics KET 2016
- ICT-34-2016:  Pre-Commercial Procurement open
- ICT-35-2016: Enabling responsible ICT-related research and innovation
- ICT-36-2016: Boost synergies between artists, creative people and technologists

• Bando H2020-IOT-2016-2017 - Internet degli oggetti
Topic con scadenza 12/04/2016:
- IoT-01-2016: Large Scale Pilots
- IoT-02-2016: IoT Horizontal activities

• Bando H2020-EUK-2016 - Bando congiunto UE-Corea del Sud
Topic con scadenza 19/01/2016:
EUK-01-2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks
- EUK-02-2016: IoT joint research
- EUK-03-2016: Federated Cloud resource brokerage for mobile cloud services

• Bando H2020-EUJ-2016 – Bando congiunto UE-Giappone
Topic con scadenza 19/01/2016:
EUJ-01-2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks
- EUJ-02-2016: IoT/Cloud/Big Data platforms in social application contexts
- EUJ-03-2016: Experimental testbeds on Information-Centric Networking


> Nanotecnologie, materiali avanzati, biotecnologie,  tecnologie produttive avanzate

• Bando H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 - Nanotecnologie, materiali avanzati, biotecnologie,  tecnologie produttive avanzate
Per i seguenti  topic la scadenza per presentare proposte è il 21/01/2016:
-  BIOTEC-01-2016: ERA-NET Cofund on Biotechnologies
-  BIOTEC-04-2016: KET Biotechnology foresight identifying gaps and high-value opportunities for the EU industry
- NMBP-08-2016: Affordable weight reduction of high-volume vehicles and components taking into account the entire life-cycle
- NMBP-11-2016: ERA-NET on Nanomedicine
- NMBP-21-2016: ERA-NET on manufacturing technologies supporting industry and particularly SMEs in the global competition
- NMBP-24-2016: Network to capitalise on strong European position in materials modelling and to allow industry to reap the benefits
- NMBP-27-2016: Promoting safe innovation through global consolidation and networking of nanosafety centres and strengthening the European industry through cooperation in nanosafety
- NMBP-30-2016: Facilitating knowledge management, networking and coordination in the field of formulated products
- NMBP-33-2016: Networking and sharing best experiences in using regional clusters strategies with a focus on supporting innovation in the NMBP thematic area
- NMBP-36-2016: Policy support for Industry 2020 in the circular economy

Per i topic sottoindicati la scadenza per presentare proposte è invece l’8/12/2015 (1° fase) e il 24/05/2016 (2° fase):
- BIOTEC-02-2016: Bioconversion of non-agricultural waste into biomolecules for industrial applications
- BIOTEC-03-2016: Microbial chassis platforms with optimized metabolic pathways for industrial innovations through systems biology
- NMBP-01-2016: Novel hybrid materials for heterogeneous catalysis
- NMBP-02-2016: Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on wide bandgap semiconductor devices technology
- NMBP-03-2016: Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for the substitution of critical raw materials in the electric power system
- NMBP-09-2016: Biomaterials for diagnosis and treatment of demyelination disorders of the Central Nervous System
- NMBP-10-2016: Nanoformulation of biologicals
- NMBP-17-2016: Advanced materials solutions and architectures for high efficiency solar energy harvesting
- NMBP-18-2016: Advanced materials enabling the integration of storage technologies in the electricity grid
- NMBP-23-2016: Advancing the integration of Materials Modelling in Business Processes to enhance effective industrial decision making and increase competitiveness
- NMBP-26-2016: Analytical techniques and tools in support of nanomaterial risk assessment

• Bando H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 – Industria 2020 nell’economia  circolare
Per i seguenti  topic la scadenza per presentare proposte è il 21/01/2016:
- FOF-01-2016: Novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines
- FOF-02-2016: Machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions
- FOF-03-2016: Zero-defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines
- FOF-04-2016: Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems
- FOF-05-2016: Support for the further development of Additive Manufacturing technologies in Europe
- FOF-11-2016: Digital automation
- FOF-13-2016: Photonics Laser-based production
- SPIRE-01-2016: Systematic approaches for resource-efficient water management systems in process industries
- SPIRE-02-2016: Plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes
- SPIRE-03-2016: Industrial technologies for the valorisation of European bio-resources into high added value process streams
- SPIRE-04-2016: Industrial furnace design addressing energy efficiency in new and existing furnaces
- SPIRE-05-2016: Potential use of carbon dioxide / carbon monoxide and non-conventional fossil natural resources in Europe as feedstock for the process industry
- SPIRE-06-2016: Business models for flexible and delocalised approaches for intensified processing

Il termine per presentare proposte è invece fissato all' 8/12/2015 (1° fase) e al 24/05/2016 (2° fase) per i topic:
- PILOTS-01-2016: Pilot lines for manufacturing of materials with customized thermal/electrical conductivity properties
- PILOTS-02-2016: Pilot Line Manufacturing of Nanostructured Antimicrobial Surfaces using Advanced Nanosurface Functionalization Technologies

Per i topic seguenti la scadenza per presentare proposte è l’8/03/2016 (1° fase) e il 06/09/2016 (2° fase):
- CIRC-01-2016-2017: Systemic, eco-innovative approaches for the circular economy: large-scale demonstration projects
- CIRC-02-2016-2017: Water in the context of the circular economy

La scadenza è invece l’8/03/2016 per i topic:
- CIRC-03-2016: Smart Specialisation for systemic eco-innovation/circular economy
- CIRC-04-2016: New models and economic incentives for circular economy business
- CIRC-05-2016: Unlocking the potential of urban organic waste

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