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All’inizio di luglio 2019 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato gli aggiornamenti ai programmi di lavoro tematici di Horizon 2020, fornendo indicazioni sui nuovi bandi per progetti di ricerca e innovazione con scadenza nel corso del 2020. Si tratta degli ultimi bandi che vengono lanciati nel quadro di Horizon 2020.

Sulla base degli aggiornamenti del Work Programme 2018-2020 relativo alla Sfida per la Società Smart, green and integrated transport, segnaliamo le nuove opportunità che si aprono con i bandi di seguito indicati. Cliccando sui link riportati, si verrà direttamente indirizzati alla pagina web dei singoli topic dei bandi dove è possibile reperire informazioni dettagliate e documentazione.

• Bando Digitising and transforming european industry and services: automated road transport (H2020-DT-ART-2018-2019-2020)

Il 3/12/2019 è prevista l’apertura dei due seguenti topic per i quali è possibile presentare proposte fino al 21/04/2020 28/04/2020 (scadenza posticipata):
- DT-ART-05-2020: Efficient and safe connected and automated heavy-duty vehicles in real logistics operations
- DT-ART-06-2020: Large-scale, cross-border demonstration of connected and highly automated driving functions for passenger cars

• Bando Mobility for growth (H2020-MG-2018-2019-2020)

Dal 3/09/2019 sono aperti i seguenti topic. La procedura di presentazione delle proposte a 2 fasi con due scadenze, 9/01/2020 (1° fase) e 8/09/2020 (2° fase):
- LC-MG-1-12-2020 (IA): Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions
- LC-MG-1-13-2020: Decarbonising long distance shipping
- LC-MG-1-14-2020: Understanding and mitigating the effects on public health of emerging non-regulated nanoparticle emissions issues and noise
- MG-2-10-2020 (RIA): Enhancing coordination between Member States' actions in the area of infrastructure research with a particular focus on biodiversity and ameliorating environmental impacts and full automated infrastructure upgrade and maintenance
- MG-2-11-2020: Network and traffic management for future mobility
- MG-2-12-2020: Improving road safety by effectively monitoring working patterns and overall fitness of drivers

Il 3/12/2019 è invece prevista l’apertura dei topic sotto indicati. La scadenza per presentare proposte è il 21/04/2020 28/04/2020 (scadenza posticipata):
- LC-MG-1-12-2020 (CSA): Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions
- MG-1-15-2020: Towards global environmental regulation of supersonic aviation
- MG-2-10-2020 (CSA): Enhancing coordination between Member States' actions in the area of infrastructure research with a particular focus on biodiversity and ameliorating environmental impacts and full automated infrastructure upgrade and maintenance
- MG-2-13-2020: Coordination and support for an integrated freight transport and logistics system
- MG-2-14-2020: The effects of automation on the transport labour force, future working conditions and skills requirements
- MG-3-4-2020: Innovative electric network architectures and systems, optimising global energy, electrical power, data and communication for aviation
- MG-3-5-2020: Next generation multifunctional and intelligent airframe and engine parts, with emphasis on manufacturing, maintenance and recycling
- MG-3-6-2020: Towards sustainable urban air mobility
- MG-3-7-2020: Improved Production and Maintenance Processes in Shipyards
- MG-3-8-2020: 'First of a Kind' solutions for sustainable transport and mobility: EU initiative for accelerating EU-wide market access, scale up and derisking
- MG-4-10-2020: Improving impact and broadening stakeholder engagement in support of transport research and innovation
- MG-4-7-2020: Digitalisation of the transport system: data sharing
- MG-4-8-2020: Advanced research methods and tools in support of transport/mobility researchers, planners and policy makers
- MG-4-9-2020: The European mobility culture of tomorrow: Reinventing the wheel?
- MG-BG-03-2020: Under water noise mitigation and environmental impact


• Bando Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: green vehicles (H2020-LC-GV-2018-2019-2020)

Dal 3/12/2019 verranno anche aperti i seguenti topic per i quali la scadenza per presentare proposte è il 21/04/2020 28/04/2020 (scadenza posticipata):
- LC-GV-06-2020: Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications
- LC-GV-07-2020: Reducing the environmental impact of hybrid light duty vehicles
- LC-GV-08-2020: Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use
- LC-GV-09-2020: Setting up a common European research and innovation strategy for the future of road transport

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