Scadenza: 08/09/2022

LIFE – Bando 2022 per progetti di assistenza tecnica per la preparazione di SNAP e SIP

Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) - Call for proposals: LIFE Technical Assistance for Preparation of SIPs/SNAPs

Unione Europea

896.168 euro

Scadenza: 08/09/2022

LIFE 2021-2027 – Bando 2022 per Progetti strategici di tutela della natura (SNAP) e Progetti strategici integrati (SIP)

Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) – Call for proposals: Strategic Nature and Integrated Projects (SNAP/SIP)

Unione Europea

LIFE-2022-STRAT-NAT-SNAP-two-stage: 145.000.000 euro

LIFE-2022-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage: 52.800.000 euro

LIFE-2022-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage: 35.000.000 euro

Scadenza: 20/09/2022

Programma per il mercato unico: prevenzione dello spreco alimentare

Grants for stakeholders to improve measurement of food waste and help implement food waste prevention in their operations and organisations


2.250.000 euro

Scadenza: 30/09/2022

EUropean City Facility - Quarto bando

European City Facility - Fourth Call for Applications: Support local authorities in developing investment concepts for sustainable energy

Unione Europea

€ 2,88 milioni